Ruth Funk Center - Esports
Must have valid Florida Tech ID.
Esports is located at the Ruth Funk Center. You will find a furnished gaming facility for competitive, club, casual and ALL campus use and entertainment. Whether a competitive or casual gamer, dropping by to support your Florida Tech esports teams, or hangout with friends during a study break- the facility will provide a fun, community atmosphere for all students to enjoy, completely FREE!
We are equipped with:
- 36 OMEN by HP Gaming PCs
- 36 Spectrum Evolution Desks
- 36 RESPAWN Gaming Chairs
- Competition stage and spectator viewing area
- Console room equipped with Xbox's, PlayStations, Switches, and Wii's
- Student Lounge
- Broadcast/Production
- Staff Offices
- Vending Machines
Console Room
- Three, 42 inch LG HD Flat Screen TV gaming areas
- Furnished with comfy furniture and customized Spectrum Furniture Gaming Credenzas
- Each Station is equipped with Xbox Series S (with Game Pass), Nintendo Switches (with Switch Online)
- 1 PS5 (with PlayStation Plus)
- BYO consoles are also welcome for plug-and-play!
Competitive Stage
- 12 OMEN Gaming Stations in 6 v 6 format
- LED lighting
- Projector for Spectators
- Competitive games and practices, when not in use, the stage is a first-come, first-serve area for all students to enjoy
Community Gaming Room (PC Cafe)
- 24 OMEN Gaming Stations
- Two, 42in flat-screen TVs
- Great space to casually game, club practice, classes, meetings, events
2nd Floor Loft
- Two, 65 inch Samsung Flat Screens
- Nintendo Wii with various games
- Tables, Chairs, and Furniture for homework, casual hangout, or events
Esports Center
The center is open to all Florida Tech students. It was renovated and opened on September 7th, 2021. Take a look at our space!

Upon arrival you will be greeted at our welcome desk and operating staff. Tap your ID card on the card reader and head on upstairs for a Pantherific Game Time!

Console Room has three gaming areas dedicated for console gaming and general hangout space.

Equipped with 24 Gaming Stations for all student use and gaming. This room is also known as the "PC Cafe".

6v6 format. Users are enjoying gaming together in team and individual gaming!

Users enjoying the Esports Center.

Competitive Stage is in 6 v 5 format to accommodate all team game competitions. Designed to replicate event stage set up, the stage is a cool feature our students love. Outlined with LED lighting.