Berchenko-Kogan, Yakov

Yakov Berchenko-Kogan
Assistant Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Mathematics and Systems Engineering
Contact Information
Personal Overview
I develop numerical methods for problems in differential geometry. A main theme is that these methods should be high-order and structure-preserving, or, informally, both quantitatively and qualitatively accurate. For my publications and my presentation slides, see my research website.
If you are an undergraduate student interested in a capstone project or a graduate student interested in working with me, please send me an email.
Educational Background
Ph.D. in mathematics, MIT, 2016.
B.S. in mathematics with a minor in control and dynamical systems, Caltech, 2011.
Recognition & Awards
NSF Award Collaborative Research: Numerical Methods and Differential Geometry, 2024–2027.