Bradley, Ingrid

Ingrid Kristina Bradley
Adjunct Faculty | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Arts and Communication
Contact Information
Personal Overview
Words have the power to heal, change, and determine our destiny. As an instructor in communications, I hope to coach people how to find the treasures within them so they can connect with purpose and intent in personal, academic and business settings.
Passionate about communications, art, photography, the oceans, science, sailing, surfing, and teaching.
Educational Background
Doctor of Arts, Murray State University, English Pedagogy, Scientific & Technical Writing
Master of Arts, English Communications, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas
Bachelor of Arts, Radio & Television Production/Communications, University of Central Florida, Orlando
Defense Information School
Oklahoma Short Course in Communications
Squadron Officers School, US Air Force
Reserve Officer Training School
Professional Experience
Aide, Senator James B. Allen, Washington DC
Tour director & cosmetic model, Headquarters, Merl Norman Cosmetics, Los Angeles
Photographer, film developer, House of Representatives, Washington DC
Air Force Public Affairs Officer
Associate Vice President, Communications, Eastern Florida State College
College instructor communications 1998-present
Online college instructor English & Communications 2007-present
Owner, Bradley Communications (consulting, writing, and art)
Marketing manager and financial director, Bradley Groves
Freelance writer Southwinds Sailing Magazine & Space Coast Living & Space Coast Business magazines 2007-present
Current Courses
Business and Professional Communications
Scientific and Technical Writing
Public Relations
Interpersonal Communications
Composition I
Organizational Communications
Intercultural Communications
Executive Speech Communications
Report Writing
American Literature
Nonverbal Communications
Selected Publications
Southwinds Magazine, Hiram's Haul, 2015
Space Coast Home Magazine – three articles in 2012
Space Coast Health Magazine – two articles in 2012
Economic Outlook 2008, Space Coast Business Magazine, May 2008
Luke & Associates, Space Coast Business Magazine, May 2008
Education & Manufacturing, Space Coast Business Magazine, April 2008
Education & Manufacturing, Space Coast Business, April 2008
Style Guide, Brevard Community College, 2003-2006
Recruiting brochures, magazines, annual reports, 1999-2007
“Missileer” weekly newspaper, 1994-1997
“Wingspread” weekly newspaper, 1987-1991
“Talespinner” weekly newspaper, 1982-1984
New York Museum of Art, Photographs on display—Military Working Dog, 1983
“Air Reservist Magazine,” Military Training Instructors, 1982
“Ebony Magazine.” Photographs of military training instructor, 1982.
“Broken Promises,” speech and marketing message effect on student recruitment, 1992
“Branding and Corporate Image,” Brevard Community College, 2003-2006
“News Media Relationships,” Brevard Community College, 2004-2007
Recognition & Awards
Public Relations Professional of the Year, Spacecoast FPRA
Outstanding Air Force Public Affairs Officer of the Year
Publications and Advertising Awards, Eastern Florida State College
Speech Writing Award, Eastern Florida State College
Outstanding Public Affairs Television Programming, Eastern Florida State College
Air Force & DoD Photography Awards
Air Force Meritorious Service Medals (4); Air Force Commendation Medal (5); War Campaign Award (1); Marxmanship Award (1); Distinguished Air Force ROTC Graduate Awar
Adviser, FIT Florida Public Relations Association Chapter
Adviser, FIT Sailing Club
Writers Den
Writer, Southwinds Magazine