Vamosi, Alexander

Personal Overview
Alex Vamosi is an Associate Professor in the Nathan M. Bisk College of Business at the Florida Institute of Technology where he has been a faculty member since 2001. He also served as the Associate Dean of Academics at the College from 2007 to 2015. Alex completed his Ph.D. at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and his undergraduate and master’s studies at the University of Alberta, Canada. His research interests involve statistical and quantitative analysis in the areas of environmental and regional economics, sustainability and ecotourism. Alex has collaborated actively on over thirty economic impact studies, and has presented papers on these topics both locally and internationally. He is an avid EPL fan and enjoys reading historical fiction, mystery and fantasy novels.
Educational Background
Ph.D., Economics University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 1995
M.A., Economics University of Alberta, Canada 1985
B.Comm., Finance University of Alberta, Canada 1983
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor of Economics, College of Wooster, (1995-2001)
Department of Treasury, Government of Alberta, Canada (1985-1987)
Economist, Bureau of Statistics, 1987
Budget Officer, Finance Planning and Economic Analysis, 1986
Budget Officer, Tax Policy Division, 1985
Selected Publications
2018 Florida’s Space Coast Tourism Report, Spring 2018, Issue #2
2017 Florida’s Space Coast Tourism Report, Fall 2017, Issue #1
2017 “The Economic Contribution of Arts and Culture to the Space Coast – 2017 Report,” (w/ Slotkin, M.H.)
2016 “Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival – 2016 Economic Contribution Estimates,” (w/ Slotkin, M.H.)
2016 “BLUE LIFE Stormwater Pollution Awareness and Behavior Study,” (w/ Slotkin, M.H.)
2016 “Study Tours and the Diversification of Cultural Capital Acquisition,” (w/ Slotkin, M.H., Perez, E.M., Durie, C., and Eisenberg, J.), 2016, Journal of International Education in Business, vol. 9(1): 70-86.
2015 “Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival – 2015 Economic Contribution Estimates,” (w/ Slotkin, M.H.)
2015 “Indian River County Arts & Culture Economic Contribution Estimates 2015,” (w/ Slotkin, M. H.)
2015 “The Economic Contribution of Arts and Culture to the Space Coast – 2015 Report,” (w/ Slotkin, M. H.)
2015 “Art & Algorithms 2014 Festival Economic Report,” (w/ Slotkin, M. H.)
2014 “The Economic Contribution of Nonprofit Arts and Culture to Brevard County, Florida – 2013 Report,” (w/ Slotkin, M. H.)
2014 Conference Presentation, “Unsustainable Public Financing – Sustainability’s Emerging Vulnerability,” Regional Development and Sustainability, Eger, Hungary
2013 “The Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival and Nature Heritage Days 2013 – Economic Impact Report & Demographic Profile,” (w/ Chambliss, K. and Slotkin, M.H.)
2013 Grant Reviewer, GAČR – Czech Science Foundation, “Economic and Marketing Potential of Mystery and Thriller Tourism: Using the World Experience for promoting the Tourism Potential of the City of Prague”
Vamosi, A.R. (2005). Hungarian Birding and Wildlife Days: Is there a Market Interest?, in G. Nelson and I. Hronszky (Eds.), Science Supporting Environmental Protection: Florida Tech-BME Partnership Programme Yearbook 2005, forthcoming. Budapest: Arisztotelsz Publishing Company.
Chambliss, K., Slotkin, M.H., & Vamosi, A.R. (2004). The Economic Impact of the 7th Annual Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival. Center for Applied Business Research, Florida Institute of Technology (March).
Vamosi, A.R., Pierce, B.G., & Slotkin, M.H. (2004). Distance Learning in an Accounting Principles Course: Student Satisfaction and Perceptions of Efficacy, The Journal of Education and Business Research, (66) July/August, pp. 360-366.
Slotkin, M.H., Vamosi, A.R., and Pierce, B.G. (2004). Student Performance in Distance Learning Versus Traditional Learning Delivery Modes: Paired-Sample and Independent-Sample Results, Research Journal of Business Disciplines, (10) February, pp. 121-127.
Vamosi, A.R. (2003). The Economic Benefits of Wildlife Viewing: From the Space Coast to Magyarorszg, in G. Nelson and I. Hronszky (Eds.), How Science Can Support Environmental Protection: Florida Tech-BME Partnership Programme Yearbook 2003, pp.71-80. Budapest: Arisztotelsz Publishing Company.
Chambliss, K., Slotkin, M.H., & Vamosi, A.R. (2003). The Economic Impact of the Centennial Celebration and Pelican Island Wildlife Festival, Center for Applied Business Research, Florida Institute of Technology (October).
Work-in-progress: The Impact of Stormwater Ordinances on Fertilizer Behavior
Research & Project Interests
- Regional Economic Impact Analysis
- Economic Growth and Sustainable Development
- Monetary Policy
- Education Pedagogy