Sky View Through an Archway on Campus

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Lars Jones

Assistant Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Arts and Communication

Contact Information
(321) 674-8089
Frederick C. Crawford Bldg, 522

Educational Background

B.S. Arizona State University
M.A. Arizona State University
Ph.D. Harvard University

Professional Experience

Graduate teaching fellow at Harvard University (1995, 1996, and 1998) and a graduate teaching assistant at Arizona State University (1990-1992).

Current Courses

  • Western Civilization 1
  • Western Civilization 2
  • World Art 1
  • World Art 2

Selected Publications

Jones, L.R. 2002. "Visio Divina - Donor Figures and Representations of Imagistic Devotion: The Case of Bernardo Daddi's Copy of the Virgin of Bagnolo in the Museo dell' Opera del Duomo, Florence." (In Italian Panel Painting of the Duecento and Trecento, edited by V.M. Schmidt. National Gallery of Art, Studies in the History of Art 61, pp. 30-55. Washington, D.C.)

Jones, L.R. 2001. "Meditations of Francesco Botticini's Saint Jerome in the National Gallery, London." In Coming About--A Festschrift for John Shearman. Ed. Lars R. Jones and Louisa C. Matthew, pp.73-82. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Art Museums.


  • Norman Architecture
  • Heresy, the Inquisition and Italian art in the Duecento and Trecento
  • Descriptions and experiences of art in the later Middle Ages and in the Renaissance
  • Self-conscious imagery
  • Plato's "theory of forms" and the metaphysics of art
  • The appearance of the pointed arch in Western architecture

Research & Project Interests

  • “Maximizing Student and Class Performance: Using Discussions and SRS Technology to Measure and Enhance Group Development” (Florida Tech IRB 19-128)
  • “Using Motivational Interviewing to Elicit Engagement & Retention in Required College Courses” (Florida Tech IRB 19-129)
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