Nguyen, Kim-Doang

Kim-Doang Nguyen
Assistant Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Contact Information
Educational Background
Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
B.E., Mechanical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Current Courses
MEE2082 Applied Mechanics: Dynamics
MEE4080 Introduction to Robotics
MEE5650 Robotics
Selected Publications
K.D. Nguyen, P. Acharya, T. Burgers, Determination of Droplet Characteristics, U.S. Patent #18/054,830.
*Selected Journal Papers:
- Pham, H. & Nguyen, K. D. (2025). Enhanced Droplet Analysis Using Generative Adversarial Networks.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Accepted for publication. - Acharya, P. & Nguyen, K. D. (2025). Synchronization of Networked Brachiating Robots.
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, Accepted for publication. - Huynh, N., Wagner, R., He, X., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Predicting the decomposition temperatures of metal-organic frameworks based on the pair distribution functions using a deep learning model.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 369, p.113042. - Pham, H., Acharya, P., Bachina, S., Osterloh, K., Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Deep-Learning Framework for Optimal Selection of Soil Sampling Sites.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 217, p. 108650. - Aikins, G., Berdanier, C. G., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Data proficiency in MAE education: Insights from student perspectives and experiences.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 03064190241290897. - Pham, T. H., Li, X., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Seunet-trans: a simple yet effective unet-transformer model for medical image segmentation.
IEEE Access, 12, 122139 -122154. - Pham, T. H., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Soil Sampling Map Optimization with a Dual Deep Learning Framework.
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 6(2), 751-769. - Huynh, N. and Nguyen, K.D. (2024). Real-time droplet detection for agricultural spraying systems: A deep-learning approach.
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 6(1), pp.259-282. - Aikins, G., Jagtap, S., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). A Robust Strategy for UAV Autonomous Landing on a Moving Platform under Partial Observability.
Drones, 8(6), 232. - Aikins, G., Dao, M. P., Moukpe, K. J., Eskridge, T. C., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). LEVIOSA: Natural Language-Based Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle Trajectory Generation.
Electronics, 13(22), 4508. - Huynh, T. N., Burgers, T., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Efficient Real-Time Droplet Tracking in Crop-Spraying Systems.
Agriculture, 14(10), 1735. - Pham, T. H., Aikins, G., Truong, T., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Adaptive Compensation for Robotic Joint Failures Using Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning.
Algorithms, 17(10), 436. - Acharya, P., Burgers, T. and Nguyen, K.D., 2023. A deep-learning framework for spray pattern segmentation and estimation in agricultural spraying systems.
Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.7545. - P. Acharya, T. Burgers, K.D. Nguyen, "AI-Enabled Droplet Detection and Tracking for Agricultural Spraying Systems,"
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 202, 107325, Nov. 2022. - K.D. Nguyen, "An Adaptive Control Framework for a Class of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems",
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Accepted, 2022. - P. Acharya, K.D. Nguyen, H. La, D.K. Liu I.M. Chen, “Nonprehensile Manipulation: a Trajectory-Planning Perspective,”
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 26 (1), 527-538, 2021. - K.D. Nguyen, “An Adaptive Compensator for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Multiple Time Delays”
Automatica, 117, p.108976, 2020. - K.D. Nguyen and H. Dankowicz, "Input-Delay Compensation in a Robust Adaptive Control Framework,"
IET Control Theory & Applications, 13(11) 1718 – 1727, 2020. - K.D. Nguyen, "A Predictor-Based Model Reference Adaptive Controller for Time-Delay Systems",
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(12) 4375 - 4382. - K.D. Nguyen, Y. Li, and H. Dankowicz, "Delay Robustness of an Adaptive Controller for a Class of Systems with Unknown Matched Nonlinearities",
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(10) 5485-5491. - E. Shata, K.D. Nguyen, P. Acharya, J. Doom, "A Series-Elastic Robot for Back-Pain Rehabilitation",
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 19 (2), 1054-1064, 2021. - A. Reina, K.D. Nguyen, H. Dankowicz, “Experimental Validation of an Adaptive Controller for Manipulators on a Dynamic Platform”,
Robotica 39 (4), 582-605, 2021. - K.D. Nguyen, "Uniform Continuity and Delay Robustness of an Adaptive Controller for Lagrangian Systems",
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 37 (2), 559-588, 2020. - K.D. Nguyen and Dikai Liu, "Gibbon-Inspired Robust Asymmetric Brachiation along an Upward Slope",
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 17, pp. 2647–2654, 2019. - K.D. Nguyen, "On the Adaptive Control of Spherical Actuators",
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 41(3) 816-827, 2018. - K.D. Nguyen and H. Dankowicz, "Cooperative Control of Networked Robots on a Dynamic Platform in the Presence of Communication Delays,"
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 27(9):1433-1461, 2017. - K.D. Nguyen and H. Dankowicz, "Delay Robustness and Compensation in L1 Adaptive Control",
Procedia IUTAM (Elsevier), 22:10-15, 2017. - K.D. Nguyen and H. Dankowicz, "Adaptive control of underactuated robots with unmodeled dynamics,"
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 64:84-99, 2015. - K.D. Nguyen, I.M. Chen, Z. Luo, S. Yeo, and H. Duh, "A Wearable Sensing System for Tracking and Monitoring of Functional Arm Movement,"
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 16(2):213-220, 2011. - K.D. Nguyen, T. Ng, and I.M. Chen, "On Algorithms for Planning S-curve Motion Profiles,"
Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 5(1):99-106, 2008.
PI: Research/Scholarship Support Fund FY17
PI: Scholarly Excellence Fund FY18
Co-PI: Raven Industries, Testbed Grant 2019-2020
PI: SDBoR Competitive Research Grant 2019-2020
PI: SDBoR Competitive Research Grant 2020-2021
PI: NASA Project Innovation Grant Award 2021-2022
PI: General Mills, Collaborative Robotics Grant, 2021-2022
PI: USDA NIFA Food and Agriculture Cyber informatics Tools (FACT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Precision Agriculture grant 2021-2024, NIFA link
PI: USDA NIFA Data Science for Food and Agricultural Systems (DSFAS), Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Precision Agriculture grant 2022-2025, NIFA link
PI: NSF Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) grant, 2022-2025, NSF link
PI: NSF CMMI grant, 2022-2025, NSF link