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Christian Sonnenberg

Associate Professor | Nathan M. Bisk College of Business

Contact Information
(321) 674-7169
Nathan M. Bisk College of Business, Office #238

Educational Background

Ph.D., Computer Science 2013
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL

M.S., Software Engineering 2007
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL

B.S., Computer Science 2004
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL

Professional Experience

Christian Sonnenberg is the Associate Dean of Online & Off-Campus Programs and an Associate Professor in Information Systems at the Nathan M. Bisk College of Business at Florida Institute of Technology. He also serves as Academic Chair for the Information Technology programs. He earned his doctorate in 2013 in Computer Science from Florida Tech with a research focus in handheld and mobile usability.  As Associate Dean, Dr. Sonnenberg helped launch new degree programs in the fields of Cybersecurity, Enterprise Resource Planning, Database Administration, and Project Management. Dr. Sonnenberg also teaches a variety of Information Systems courses and manages the Nathan M. Bisk College of Business Student Innovation Challenge, a series of product prototyping, technology integration, and student enrichment experiences culminating in a business plan competition.

Previously, Dr. Sonnenberg worked as a software engineer for Harris Corporation Government Communications Systems Division (GCSD) in Melbourne, Fl from 2003-2013. While there, he was involved in a number of areas including directional wireless networks, cellular interrogation systems, and satellite image processing applications.

Selected Publications

Sonnenberg, C. (2020). E-Government and Social Media: The Impact on Accessibility. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 31(3), 181-191.

Otero, A. R., Sonnenberg, C., & Delgado-Perez, I. (2020). Change Management Over Financial Information: A Multi-Criteria Evaluation of System Change Controls Using Desirability Functions. Communications of the International Information Management Association, 18(1), 1-26.

Sonnenberg, C. (2020) Mobile Media Usability: Evaluation of Methods for Adaptation and User Engagement. Journal of Media Management and Entrepreneurship (JMME), 2(1), 86-107.

Otero, A. R., Sonnenberg, C., & Bean, L. (2019). Quality assessment of access security controls over financial information. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications, 11(6), 1-18.

Sonnenberg, C. (2017) Accessibility in E-Government: Compliance, Challenges, and Opportunities. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (4th ed.) IGI Global.

Sonnenberg, C., & Sonnenberg, J. (2016). Cognitive Network Factors as an Impact on Mobile Device Usability. Journal of Networks, 10(11), 579-586.

Cudmore, A. B., Pattison, R., & Sonnenberg, C. (2016), "Online Poker: A Stimulus Based Incentive", International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems (IEMS)

Sonnenberg, C. Mobile Content Adaptation: An Analysis of Techniques and Frameworks (2015) Emerging Perspectives on the Mobile Content Evolution, IGI Global.

Sonnenberg, C., and Becker, S. (2015) Mobile Web Accessibility and Government Compliance. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (3rd ed.). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Sonnenberg, C., and Eisenberg, J. (2014) Gender Factors in Stem Field Curriculum: A Case Study in Online Learning. Proceedings of the International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference 2014, Orlando, FL.

Cook, C., and Sonnenberg, C. (2014) Technology and Online Education. ASBBS Proceedings. The 21th Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences. Las Vegas, NV.

Sonnenberg, C. (2014) Maintaining Thematic Consistency within Mobile Content Adaptation. Proceedings of the International Conference: Industry, Engineering & Management Systems 2014, Cocoa Beach, FL.

Sonnenberg, C. (2013). An Autonomous Framework for Mobile Web Content Adaptation and Prioritization. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (Accession Order No. 3569340

Sonnenberg, C. (2012). Modeling Handheld Usability for Military-Based Devices. Proceedings of MILCOM 2012, Orlando, Florida.

Sonnenberg, C., and Becker, S. A., (2009). A Case Study on Results-Oriented Graphic User Interface Design for Handheld Devices. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration, 1(2), 104-109.


  • Mobile Usability
  • Web Accessibility
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Modeling & Simulation Techniques
  • Haptic Technology
  • Online Learning Management Systems
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