Sudhakaran, Sneha

Sneha Sudhakaran
Assistant Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Contact Information
Personal Overview
- Computer science Assistant Professor with extensive experience in Android Reverse Engineering, Memory Forensics, and Network Security, Applied Machine Learning in Cyber Security Domain
- Knowledgeable IT security professional with 6 years of experience researching and implementing security solutions in academia and national organizations
- Expert in enhancing research accuracy and precision by carrying out system administration and network analysis
- Hands-on experience in C, Java, C++, and Python, along with Cyber Security certifications: CEH and CHFI
- Authored 8 technical papers, presented at 5 premier conferences (IEEE S&P, RAID, ACSAC, AAFS), and work recognized by several awards by WiCyS and by the Louisiana State University
Educational Background
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA May2022
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, GPA: 3.83/4.0
Thesis: Performing Memory Forensics for Large Object recovery from Android Application Memory- its impact and concerns
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India Aug 2011-Aug 2013
Master of Technology in Cyber Security, GPA: 3.8/4.0
Calicut University, Calicut, India Aug 2006-May 2010
Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology, GPA: 3.5/4.0
Professional Experience
Florida Institute of Technology, L3harris Center for Science and Engineering, Melbourne, Florida Aug 2022- Present
- Teach Courses like Host and Application Security
- Advise students on FITSec Security team that targets Capture the Flag security contests
- Expand security research ideas to develop Graduate security research projects
Louisiana State University, Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) Baton Rouge, USA.
Graduate Assistant under Dr. Sai Pinnepalli Aug 2020-May2022
- Track current security reports for network traffic at LSU and CCT
- Review status of Content Management System using framework like Drupal
- Help plan mitigation paths with special focus on Penetration testing, Network traffic monitoring
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA Aug 2017-May 2022
Research / Teaching Assistant under Dr. Golden G. Richard III
- Designed research and experimental studies on Memory Forensics to extract multimedia objects from process memory
- Performed in-depth research to answer complex questions in the field of Android Forensics
- Collaborated with Dr. Aisha Ali Gombe (Asst. Professor at Towson University, Baltimore) to develop a tool kit for extracting multimedia objects from process memory in Android devices and generate minimal false positive. evidence
- Mentored five graduate and three undergraduate researchers and prepared annual reports for NSF
- Analyzed large complex sets of data and performed memory analysis and reverse engineering
University of New Orleans, New Orleans, USA May 2016-Aug 2017
Research Assistant in Cyber Physical Systems Lab under Dr. Irfan Ahmed
- Gained in-depth knowledge on SCADA devices to perform research and solve complex problems in the field of Cyber Physical System Forensics
- Authored 2 technical papers in reputed conferences such as IEEE Security & Privacy and ACSAC
GJ Forensics, Kerala, India Jul 2014-Aug 2015
Cyber Security Intern under Dr. Vinod P. Bhattathirippad
- Analyzed system risk on Windows to identify and implement appropriate security countermeasures
- Recommended POSAR extensions for water mark inclusions and published a technical paper in ADFSL-2015 conference
MG University, Kochi, Kerala, India Jul-Aug 2014
Assistant Professor
- Collaborated with professors to design teaching plans, adapted methods of instruction and classroom materials to address individual student needs, and managed educational projects
- Developed course syllabus for Information Risk Management and Cyber Forensics, outlined standards, materials, grading procedures for students
- Evaluated and supervised student activities and performance levels to provide reports on academic progress
Current Courses
Application and Host Security Fall 2022, Fall 2023
Computer and Information Security Spring 2024
Cyber Forensics and Defense Grad Spring 2023, 2024, 2025
Cyber Forensics and Defense UnderGrad Spring 2023, 2024 , 2025
Memory Forensics Grad and Undergrad grad Fall 2023, Fall 2024
Cyber Threats Fall 2024, Spring 2025
Selected Publications
Oral Presentations
- Aisha Ali-Gombe, Sneha Sudhakaran, Golden G. Richard III, “Leveraging Memory Forensics Artifacts for Android™ Malware Classification”, 2023 75th AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting(Accepted)
- Sneha Sudhakaran, Aisha Ali-Gombe, Golden G. Richard III, “Correlating Garbage Collection and Android Object Recovery”, 2022 74th AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting
- Sneha Sudhakaran, Aisha Ali-Gombe, Golden G. Richard III, “Evaluating the impact of External Runtime Factors on Android forensic tools”, 2021, 73rd AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting
- Aisha Ali-Gombe, Sneha Sudhakaran, Andrew Case, Golden G. Richard III, “Proving Database Tampering Through In-Memory Object Reconstruction”, 2019, 71st AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting
- Sneha Sudhakaran, Aisha Ali Gombe, Andrew Case, Golden G. Richard III, “Evaluating the Reliability of Android Userland Memory Forensics”, ICCWS March 2022
- Sneha Sudhakaran, Aisha Ali Gombe, Augustine Orgah, Andrew Case, Golden G. Richard III, “AmpleDroid Recovering Large Objects from Android Application Memory”, IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security Dec 2020
- Ali-Gombe, Aisha, Sneha Sudhakaran, Andrew Case, and Golden G. Richard III, “DroidScraper: A Tool for Android In-Memory Object Recovery and Reconstruction”, 2019, 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2019), pp. 547-559
- Irfan Ahmed, Sebastian Obermeier, Sneha Sudhakaran, Vassil Roussev, “Programmable logic controller forensics”, IEEE Security & Privacy, 2017, 15 (6), 18-24
- Irfan Ahmed, Vassil Roussev, William Johnson, Saranyan Senthivel, Sneha Sudhakaran, “A SCADA system testbed for cybersecurity and forensic research and pedagogy”, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Industrial Control System SecurityWorkshop, 2016, pp. 1-9
- Polpaya Vinod Bhattathiripad, Sneha Sudhakaran, Roshna Khalid, “A New Cyber Forensic Philosophy for Digital Watermarks in the Context of Copyright Laws”, Association for Digital Forensics, Security and Law 2015
- Nimisha Ajayakumar, Sneha Sudhakaran, “Comparison in Honda Algorithm and Neural Network for Anti Cruise Collision Avoidance System”, International Journal of Digital Application & Contemporary research,2014
- Nishna Soman, Sneha Sudhakaran, “An Advanced Approach towards Shadow Detection and Restoration in VHR Images”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2014
- Sneha Sudhakaran, Aisha Ali Gombe, Golden G. Richard III, “On Reliability of Userland Memory Forensics”, Poster Presentation, 2021, WiCys virtual 2021
- Sneha Sudhakaran, Aisha Ali Gombe, Andrew Case, Golden G. Richard III, “Extraction of Multimedia Large Objects Using Memory Forensics from the Android Runtime”, Poster Presentation, 2020, WiCys virtual 2020
- Sneha Sudhakaran, Aisha Ali Gombe, Golden G. Richard III, “On Reliability of Userland Memory Forensics”, Poster Presentation, 2021, WiCys virtual 2021
- Sneha Sudhakaran, Aisha Ali Gombe, Andrew Case, Golden G. Richard III, “Extraction of Multimedia Large Objects Using Memory Forensics from the Android Runtime”, Poster Presentation, 2020, WiCys virtual 2020
Recognition & Awards
- Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Credential id : ECC27124931769, Expires Dec 2027
- Certified Hacker and Forensic Investigator (CHFI), Credential Id : ECC67147118876, Expires Apr 2028
- (AAFS) - American Academy of Forensic Sciences - Student Affiliate
- (WiCyS) Women in Cybersecurity – Student Member
- Women's Society of Cyberjutsu - Student Member
- (ACM) Association for Computing Machinery - Student Member
- (IEEE) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Student Member
- WiCyS (Women in Cyber Security) Student Scholarship 2021
- EC-Council Item Writer 2021 Digital Badge Achievement
- Amrita Cyber Security Board of Studies Member 2020-2022
- WiCyS (Women in Cyber Security) Student Scholarship 2020
- WiCyS Graduate Student Travel Stipend Scholarship 2020
Memory Forensics, Applications of Cyber Forensics with Machine Learning, Malware Analysis, Drone Security and Forensics and Blockchain