Campus Security Authorities Policy
Applies to: | Original Policy Date: | Date of Last Review | Approved by: |
All Florida Tech Employees | February 2021 | February 2025 | Dr. John Nicklow, President |
It is the policy of Florida Tech to comply with the Clery Act through the proper designation and training of CSAs, as that term is defined in the Clery Act and related regulations.
Policy Owner: Department of Security
Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish a process by which the Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech or University) designates and trains Campus Security Authorities (“CSAs”) in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act (20 U.S.C. & 1092 (f)) (the “Clery Act”) and its implementing regulations. It is the policy of Florida Tech to comply with the Clery Act through the proper designation and training of CSA’s, as that term is defined in the Clery Act and related regulations.
Policy Scope
Includes the University's campuses, public property within or immediately adjacent to its campuses, and non-campus buildings or property that the University owns, leases or controls. The University’s Clery Geography is outlined on a map maintained by the Department of Security Clery Compliance Officer.
Policy Statement
It is the policy of Florida Tech to comply with the Clery Act through the proper designation and training of CSA’s, as that term is defined in the Clery Act and related regulations. Campus Security Authority (“CSA”) are individuals at the university who, because of their function at the university, have an obligation under the Clery Act to notify the university of alleged Clery Crimes that are reported to them in good faith, or alleged Clery Crimes that they may personally witness.
Employee and Non-Employee/Volunteer CSAs
Each employee and non-employee/volunteer CSA shall complete training with respect to the Clery Act, the University's Clery Act compliance policies and procedures, and the responsibilities of a CSA ("CSA Training"). CSA training shall educate CSAs about the history of the Clery Act, Clery Crimes, Clery Geography, when and how to report allegations of Clery Crimes, and the University's timely warning and emergency notification processes. CSA Training shall include a self-test, which a CSA must pass with a score of 80% to earn a certificate of completion.
With respect to employee CSAs, the University's Vice President of Human Resources and/or the Director of Security ("Clery Compliance Officer") shall be responsible for designating CSAs. Human Resources shall make these designations as soon as practicable after the hiring of an employee or a change in an employee's job functions. Human Resources should consult with the University's Clery Compliance Officer if unsure whether to designate a particular individual as a CSA.
The Vice President of Human Resources is also responsible for monitoring and notifying CSAs of their obligation to complete CSA Training (as defined and more fully described below) bi annually. The University Clery Compliance Officer shall provide oversight of and assistance to the Vice President of Human Resources as necessary in ensuring compliance.
Student Organization Advisor CSAs
By January 31 of each year, each student organization recognized by Student Affairs shall provide Student Affairs with the name of the organization's advisor. If an organization's advisor changes, the organization must notify Student Affairs of the change as soon as practicable. Student Affairs will be responsible for providing this information to the Clery Compliance Officer. The Clery Compliance Officer will designate such individuals as CSAs. Student Affairs will make CSA training available to each designated student organization advisor.
"Clery Crimes" are defined by the Clery Act as any of the following:
- Criminal Homicide (murder and non-negligent/ manslaughter by negligence)
- Aggravated Assault
- Sex Offense (rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape)
- Burglary
- Robbery
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Arson
- Dating Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Stalking
- Hazing
Hate Crimes, including:
- Larceny-Theft
- Simple Assault
- Intimidation
- Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property that are motivated by bias
Arrests and referrals for disciplinary action for any of the following:
- Liquor Law Violations
- Drug Law Violations
- Carrying and possessing illegal weapons
Compliance Reference
The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act t (20 U.S.C.§ 1092(f)) (the "Clery Act") and its implementing regulations.
The University has established a Clery Compliance Committee. This committee is comprised of a multidisciplinary team with the responsibility of reviewing the university's policies and procedures as they pertain to the Clery Act compliance process.
This committee will consist of the following positions:
- Director of Security and Clery Compliance Officer
- Title IX Investigator & Assistant Clery Compliance Officer
- Title IX Coordinator
- Assistant Vice President of Student Housing and Campus Services
- Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
- Director of Student Involvement
- Vice President of Human Resources
- Director of Athletics
- Director of Environmental Health and Safety
- Drug Free Schools and Community Act (DFSCA)
- Fire Safety Compliance
- General Counsel
- Senior Risk Management Officer