Security Building

Use of Defensive Weapons Policy – Oleoresin Capsicums (O.C.)

Applies to:Original Policy Date:Date of Last ReviewApproved by:
All Florida Tech Security Officers 05/20/2019 June 2023 Ryan Petersen

The use of this weapon shall be restricted to defense only and may not be employed offensively. The degree of defensive resistance shall be limited to the minimum amount of force necessary to counter the attack. 

Policy Owner: Department of Security 

Policy Purpose

The Oleoresin Capsicum (O.C.) shall be placed in the standard belt holder and shall be drawn only as a last resort in self-defense or in defense of a third party under threat of immediate physical harm, and the instrument shall only be used defensively. The Security Officer may be certified as being “exposed” or “non-exposed” to O.C. spray. 

Policy Scope 

Florida Tech Security Officers. 

Policy Statement

Florida Tech Security Officers shall undergo formal training in the use of Oleoresin Capsicum (O.C.) spray so that they can be formally certifies to carry this instrument.


In general, five stages of intervention may be identified, with use of O.C. spray restricted to the fourth of five stages. These stages are:  

  1. Officer Presence: many times, an officer's professionalism, uniform, and duty belt as well as the marked golf cart or vehicle the officer uses to patrol is sufficient to neutralize the situation. The visual presence of authority is normally enough for a subject to comply with an officer's lawful demands.
  2. Verbal Communication: a security officer may be able to bring an unruly situation under control through calm, authoritative conversation with the principals.
  3. Empty Hand Control: in some cases, the security officer may need to separate principals involved in an altercation or to restrain a party physically.
  4. Intermediate – Less than Lethal Weapons: Chemical, if all else fails, the pepper spray may be drawn by the security officer to defend themselves or someone else from immediate physical harm by a violent aggressor. The use of this weapon shall be restricted to defense only and may not be employed offensively. The degree of defensive resistance shall be limited to the minimum amount of force necessary to counter the attack.
  5. Lethal force/Deadly force – a force with a high probability of causing death or serious bodily injury. Officers use deadly weapons such as firearms to stop an individual's actions. 


OC (oleoresin capsaicin) spray: an inflammatory agent derived from organic chemical compounds found in various forms of potent pepper plates. 


 Anytime a security officer draws the O.C. spray, whether it is used, he or she shall file a report explaining and justifying the action. This report shall be submitted to the immediate supervisor and shall be reviewed by both the Director of Security, the University Attorney and the President; and if, in their judgment, the security officer is found to have drawn the weapon without sufficient justification, the officer shall be subject to disciplinary action by the University.

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